Category Archives: Pubmedia

AIR→ Introducing AIR’s new Engagement Strategist

2020-02-11 Erin McGregor joined AIR as its new Engagement Strategist on January 21st. AIR’s CEO, Ken Ikeda, explains her new role as “a combination of member engagement, partnership development and oversight of our online platform, which is relaunching in ear …›

AIR→ Rate Guide: Editing and Content Strategy

2020-01-08 Everyone needs an editor. Yes, even you. Good editors bring an experienced ear to the whole story, and that can make a world of difference. And even if you know precisely what you’re doing, you also need someone with an experienced eye on the big pic …›

AIR→ AIR x WHYY: Print to Radio Bootcamp

2019-12-10 Are you a Philly-based print reporter looking to venture into audio storytelling? AIR and WHYY are partnering to offer a weekend-long audio training bootcamp, January 11–12, that will provide print journalists with the skills they need to expand thei …›

RadioPublic→ The Future of the Paid Listens program

2019-11-29 The RadioPublic Paid Listens program will conclude on November 30, 2019. Participating podcasters, head down to the end of the article to learn about your next steps. Last year we introduced Paid Listens to help jumpstart a new marketplace for in-app p …›

AIR→ Introducing: The Winter 2019 Full Spectrum Cohort

2019-11-22 We’re proud to welcome the Winter 2019 class to AIR’s Full Spectrum Storytelling Intensive. This group brings together makers from throughout the United States, and spans a wide range of interests including audio ephemera, communal listening experi …›

AIR→ Meet this Member! | Elliott Peltzman

2019-10-24 Editor’s note: “Meet this Member!,” is an interview series that spotlights AIRsters doing outstanding work in the audio and media industry. This week we feature composer and audio producer, Elliott Peltzman. 1) Where are you based an …›

AIR→ Rate Guide: Engineering and Composition

2019-10-22 Though radio transmitters have been broadcasting for more than a century, the emerging  podcast industry is disrupting traditional models of audio production. Experienced audio engineers, recordists, sound designers, and composers all bring vital skil …›

Technology360→ Weekly readings for #pubmedia, Feb. 19, 2018

2018-02-19 Got 5 inches of snow overnight Sat./Sun., but the temperature could reach 70° on Wednesday.  We live in hope.  Here is a compilation of recent selected links from my @haarsager Twitter feed.  --Dennis Broadband/Wireless Why broadband competition …›

PRX→ We’ve Moved!

2017-05-22 We have officially moved our blog presence over to Medium.  Follow us there to get all the latest news about PRX, the Podcast Garage, Radiotopia and much more.  See you there! The post We’ve Moved! appeared first on PRX. …›

PRX→ Five Local Podcasts to Try for #TryPod

2017-03-23 We’re big fans of the simple idea behind the #TryPod campaign: share a podcast you love with someone you love. At PRX, we work with talented indie producers all over the world, but this month we want to share five podcasts made in our own Boston bac …›

PBS Digital Stations Blog→ YoPro San Diego: Let’s Go!

2017-03-22 Believe it or not it’s time to start getting ready for the PBS Annual Meeting. At this year’s meeting PBS Digital will be presenting a FREE young professionals workshop called YoPro: San Diego. The mission of the larger YoPro initiative is to pull …›

PBS Digital Stations Blog→ ValuePBS Bentomatic

2017-03-13 VALUE PBS, A NEW BENTOMATIC FOR STATIONSby Katie Wilson | Senior Manager | PBS Digital & Marketing A new ValuePBS website launched this week and it’s available for stations to integrate into their websites, using Bentomatic. It makes the ca …›