Category Archives: Pubmedia

Transom→ Shure MV7

2020-12-15 A Worthy Successor to the SM7B When recording from home became much more common, even necessary, during the pandemic, the Shure SM7B became a very in-demand microphone. It had already become a favorite of many serious podcasters, largely for the same r …›

Transom→ Show, Don’t Tell

2020-12-08 Sometimes I’ll slap myself on the forehead and say, “Oh right! Don’t forget to do that when I write!” It’s for that very reason we’re dusting off this old episode of HowSound from 2012 with Brian Reed about the writing maxim “Show, don’ …›

Transom→ Gear Guide for a Lockdown

2020-12-01 2020’s holiday season, like the rest of the year, is certainly unlike any other in memory. Economic hardships, and changes in work processes due to safety concerns will make many people’s year-end purchasing plans dramatically different. …›

Transom→ Everybody’s Home

2020-11-26 David Greenberger The process for working on Everybody’s Home was similar to what Tyson and I had been doing over the course of about a hundred pieces that we co-wrote for three CDs with the ensemble Prime Lens (My Thoughts Approximately (2017), It H …›

Transom→ Nancy Was Here

2020-11-24 I went to high school in the 1970s at a time when the queer community was marginalized — to say the least. In fact, I won’t say the least. It was dangerous for gays and lesbians and trans people then. I grew up on Cape Cod a culturally con …›

Transom→ Story Mentorship Fall 2020: Pieces

2020-11-17 The Fall 2020 Transom Story Mentorship students on Zoom with Rob Rosenthal and special guest Shereen Marisol Meraji. About Rob Rosenthal, Lead Instructor Rob Rosenthal is an independent producer and a teacher. He’s the host for the HowSound podcast o …›

Transom→ Things I Like

2020-11-10 If you were to ask me, “Do you have a copy of Thoreau’s book Cape Cod?” I’d say yes, and immediately find it among my pile of books in the Cape Cod section of my collection. Or, if you were to ask, “Can we listen to that Rahsaan Kirk record y …›

Transom→ Portraying Character

2020-10-27 The longer I do this, the more I think the best audio storytelling is about the writing. Yes, of course, there has to be a story there in the first place. Yes, you have to interview well. Yes, you have to record well. Yes, a lot relies on the character …›

Transom→ Story Mentorship Winter 2021: Apply

2020-10-22 Story Mentorship Applications This online training will take place from January 24 – March 6, 2021. Instructor Rob Rosenthal will run the 6-week program. We have intentionally capped the class size at six so that participants are guaranteed indiv …›

Transom→ Move It Forward

2020-10-20 The Weight of a Story Untold From the moment I entered the criminal legal system as a 15-year-old boy, I was told, “Don’t tell anyone anything about your case.” I translated that to mean: Don’t tell my story. It then was reinforced by the first …›

Transom→ Why So Chatty, Alex Blumberg?

2020-10-13 There’s not a lot that’s funny in the recently published compendium of writing on climate change by the New Yorker called The Fragile Earth. It’s not a funny topic. In his book Falter: Has the Human Game Begun to Play Out?, about the same subject …›

Transom→ It’s Alright

2020-10-06 Discovering Transom I had bought the graphic novel Out on the Wire, by Jessica Abel, and felt so privileged to be reading it and to be behind the scenes with such amazing radio makers. I would so recommend this book for any radio lovers. It offers such …›

Transom→ Stephanie Foo, 2020

2020-09-22 Guess I Gotta Write This Goddamn Diversity Article Again I’m writing this article for the third goddamn time.  The first time was ten years ago, when I first entered an overwhelmingly old and white field. So I wrote an article for the Associatio …›

Transom→ Lewis Raven Wallace

2020-09-04 Confronting Privilege and Power in Storytelling I host a podcast about the history of “objectivity” in U.S. journalism, which begins with the story of my experience being fired from public radio for purportedly violating standards of “impartialit …›

Transom→ The Squirm Test

2020-08-31 Some years ago, while I was working on an audio tour about rural Maine, I interviewed a beaver trapper who lived alone in the western part of the state. Inside his house there were dead beavers on the floor, dead beavers hanging on the wall heading dow …›

Transom→ Effective Sound Effects

2020-08-18 Ben Naddaff-Hafrey and I were nerding out about all things radio and podcasting when I interviewed him recently. As we talked, he bowled me over with a lovely quote he remembered about the power of audio written in the 1930’s: “The ear is half poet …›

Transom→ RØDECaster Pro

2020-08-11 It’s a little hard to put your finger on exactly what the RØDECaster is: It’s an audio mixer, allowing you to combine four microphones and a few other sources in real time. It’s a stand-alone recorder that can save audio to an internal S …›

Transom→ Pandemic Diary

2020-08-03 Look up Lauren Chooljian’s work for New Hampshire Public Radio; you’ll see stories like: • Sununu Tasks Panel With Offering Ideas On Police Accountability, Transparency • N.H. Supreme Court Rules Public Has Right to More Government Records …›

Transom→ Sound Art Meets Poetry Meets Cicadas

2020-07-20 The other day, I dropped off some computer speakers at a friend’s house. She came to the door and I thought to myself right there, in the moment, “I’m a little nervous but I’ll do it.” The “it” was to share the seed of an idea. So, I told …›

Transom→ Walking In The Margins Of Journalism Ethics

2020-07-07 There’s a presentation at the Third Coast Festival from back in 2005 that has stayed with me for years. It shocked me. I thought “Wait, what??! Reporters can’t help people?” Anne Hull, a reporter for the Washington Post, was talking about how t …›

Transom→ Recording Cellular Phone Calls

2020-07-02 Our Reluctance Here at Transom, we’ve been reluctant to focus too much on recording phone conversations because we generally prefer the results of an in-person interview. The warmer, more vivid sound of someone speaking into a good microphone paints …›

Transom→ Leave In The Question

2020-06-23 There are a handful of things about recording interviews that I always get asked by students in a Transom Workshop. “Do I have to mic my questions?” is a classic.   The answer is “yes.” But the reasoning may not be obvious at first since a …›

Transom→ A Feast For Your Ears

2020-06-09 One of my favorite episodes of Code Switch is about the explanatory comma. In short, the hosts explore this question: When should cultural context be given when talking about race and culture. (As they put it in the episode, how long is NPR going to sa …›

Transom→ Recording Kit Tune Up

2020-06-03 Your Equipment Matters I have a confession to make: even though I love sound, I don’t really like sound equipment. It’s expensive, for one. Also, the names are either a charmless mess of letters and numbers that I can never keep straight, o …›

Transom→ The Recesses Of Jay’s Mind

2020-05-26 I’m keenly aware that HowSound is a fairly mainstream podcast in the way it’s written and produced. Sure, I’ve featured a lot of experimental work on the show. But, the overall approach to how I produce HowSound is, I’d say, middle-of-the-road. …›

Transom→ AfroQueer And Podcasting In Kenya

2020-05-12 In the last episode of HowSound, I posed a question to producers: What do you stand for? When I interviewed Selly Thiam for this episode, I didn’t need to ask. The answer is right there. Front and center. “Being a part of the society that you&# …›

Transom→ Our Show – The Hour

2020-05-01 Dealing With A Pandemic By Making Something When the lockdown started, I called my son’s school to see if they needed volunteers to prepare lunches. They didn’t. I called the local hospital and, not surprisingly, they didn’t need unskilled volunt …›

Transom→ What Do You Stand For?

2020-04-28 My daughter and I were sitting in a Thai restaurant eating dinner and she was kind of freaked. Actually, a lot freaked. She told me this story . . . Her high school volleyball coach nominated her to attend a student leadership conference. She spent the …›

Transom→ Zencastr

2020-04-25 The face-to-face interview is a fundamental element of a lot of audio journalism. Much of the content here on Transom is devoted to tools and techniques for making an interview sound as natural and engaging as possible. That said, getting in the same r …›

Transom→ Gathering Scene Tape While Reporting From A Closet

2020-04-14 Reporters and producers are scrambling. Because of social distancing and shelter-in-place orders due to COVID-19, they’re having to figure out how to report from home. The new circumstances raise lots of reporting questions: How do I record a phone i …›

Transom→ Take A Walk With Your Mic

2020-03-31 Just the other day, I walked a beach near my house in Woods Hole. A serious wind blew out of the north. The waves roared a dense, white noise. The sound was inescapable. It was so loud, I could barely hear my footsteps in the sand. After the beach stro …›

Transom→ Pandemic ER: Notes From A Nurse In Queens

2020-03-29 From Transom’s Samantha Broun: Kate O’Connell is a radio producer who studied at our nine-week Story Workshop in Woods Hole. She’s also a nurse in an emergency room at a hospital in Queens, NY. When the coronavirus pandemic began to e …›

Transom→ Our Show

2020-03-25 Our Show is a mini-podcast-series produced by Rumble Strip,  created in response to the coronavirus. It’s a show that we make all together.  People all over the planet are — essentially — experiencing the same thing, bu …›

Transom→ Grabaciones durante la pandemia del coronavirus

2020-03-23 Estamos enfrentando una crisis global sobre una enfermedad infecciosa, y —comprensiblemente— tanto a reporteros como a productores les preocupa cómo protegerse a sí mismos y a sus entrevistados.  Es importante recalcar que aquí en Transom n …›

AIR→ A Word from AIR and COVID-19 Resources for freelancers

2020-03-13 From our CEO, Ken Ikeda: The effects of the COVID-19 outbreak can be felt everywhere and could last for many more months. We at AIR want to communicate our support for the freelancers and small businesses among our membership, peer institutions and fri …›