Category Archives: Pubmedia

NPR Storytelling→ Introducing

2015-11-02 Today we’re very excited to unveil a new site – created it for the many journalists working in public media. Sometimes it can feel impossible to find the time and space to hone your storytelling techniques, learn something n …›

NPR Storytelling→ Do you even Snapchat, bro?

2015-10-30 NPR’s social media intern Vesta Partovi has taken our Snapchat/Periscope game to a new level with this custom iPhone rig (dubbed “Wombat”). She put it together with the help of two NPR engineers and photographer John Poole. She writes: The idea …›

NPR Storytelling→ Building a neighborhood scene

2015-08-31 On Friday, August 28, two stories on Morning Edition achieved the same thing: They painted effective scenes of single, emblematic streets. The first street is in LA - in this diminutive piece by NPR’s Nathan Rott about Californians limiting their …›

NPR Storytelling→ How doodling can improve your audio story

2015-08-20 Here’s a handy trick from NPR’s Don Gonyea, who has endured more campaign airplanes, Iowa State Fairs, and overstuffed spin rooms than almost anyone. Don is nearly always on a tight deadline, and it turns out he sketches pictures like the doodle b …›

NPR Storytelling→ Listen to the work of your colleagues

2015-08-07 From Sara Sarasohn, longtime NPR editor and producer, now editorial leader of NPR One:“When I stopped being a producer, I did a back-of-the-envelope calculation and figured that I had mixed more than a thousand reporter pieces. That is what taught me …›

NPR Storytelling→ One secret to good visual storytelling

2015-07-30 The NPR Visuals team has gotten raves for this story, produced by David Eads and Claire O’Neill in 2014. “Demolished,” about Chicago’s public housing projects, won the top award given out by the Society of News Designers.So why is “Demolis …›

NPR Storytelling→ No studio on the road? No problem

2015-07-21 Every radio producer and reporter knows you have to get creative when tracking while traveling. Our engineer, Kevin Wait, says you should try to recreate the studio environment as much as possible — find the quietest area and use something soft above …›