Category Archives: Pubmedia

Transom→ Revisiting: Magical Realism in Radio

2024-07-16 I think this happens to reporters a lot. They see someone who looks interesting. They chat with them, and they think, “Hunh, maybe there’s a story here.” It happened to David Weinberg. Back in 2016 or so, David was producing a series on South Los …›

Transom→ All Hear, July 2024

2024-07-11 Hello! Welcome (back) to All Hear, the Everything List for Audio Opportunities. I recently read a thread in UKAN — a listserv for U.K. audio producers — about people considering leaving the audio industry. It was heartbreaking to read about so many …›

Transom→ An Audio Field Trip

2024-07-02 One of my favorite past times is sending music to friends, usually a link to a song sent by text. Punk, dub, and experimental music to my friends Sven and Matthias. Avant-garde classical and electronic music to Carla… For my daughter, Gwen, I usually …›

Transom→ Structure Interviews Like a Good Story

2024-06-17 I picked up on something Ira Glass said in the last episode of Sound School that I want to highlight here. Rather than structuring a story as a collection of arguments and ideas, structure it as a narrative, a sequence of events. This happened, then th …›

Transom→ All Hear, June 2024

2024-06-06 Hello! Hello! Welcome (back) to All Hear, the Everything List for Audio Opportunities. This month there’s a few brilliant opportunities for makers who are underrepresented in different ways — those in the Global Majority, those working in a lan …›

Transom→ All Hear, May 2024

2024-05-02 Hello! Welcome (back) to All Hear, the Everything List for Audio Opportunities. In some personal news, I’m headed to New York for the first two weeks of June to host an In The Dark event at the Tribeca festival — I would love to meet some audio mak …›

Transom→ Introducing Sound Judgment

2024-04-23 Right this minute, I’m riding an Amtrak train, heading home after visiting my daughter at college. It’s supposed to be a day off. No work. I thought I’d read a book (In case you’re wondering, I packed two: Mama’s Last Hug and How the Garcia G …›

Transom→ Yohancified: Making You Didn’t See Nothin

2024-04-16 Note from Sarah Geis: This manifesto is made up of excerpts of interviews I did with fellow members of the core production team: Yohance Lacour, Bill Healy, Erisa Apantaku and Dana Brozost-Kelleher. But the podcast could not have been made without the …›

Transom→ Thanks, NPR. That Was Satisfying.

2024-04-09 During the first couple of minutes of this episode, I take NPR to task for the preponderance of two-ways on the network’s news programs. In particular, my distaste for host interviews with reporters where everything sounds so unsurprising. This is es …›

Transom→ All Hear, April 2024

2024-04-04 Hello! Welcome (back) to All Hear, the Everything List for Audio Opportunities. You might know me as an organiser of resources, but I’m an audio maker too! Last month I wrote an article for Transom, The Many Lives of “Dead Ends”, about a piece I …›

Transom→ Building A New Media Ecosystem

2024-04-02 Looking for a Signal We’ve spent the last five years using our perspective as scientists and funders not only to figure out why exceptional independent creators make the things they make, but to create an ecosystem that amplifies their signal. …›

Transom→ The Um, A Deep Dive

2024-03-26 Dale Lumsden taught me how to cut tape — as in reel-to-reel tape. I call his teaching approach “The Lumsden Method.” The way Dale did it was this: He straightened himself up at the mic. Got his copy ready. Cleared his throat. Hit record. And …›

Transom→ The Many Lives of “Dead Ends”

2024-03-19 Searching for Story A big “thing” happened early on in my life: my Mum died. When I was three years old she fell off of a cliff while on a work trip in Spain. Her death was ruled an accident, and I grew up knowing that to be true, but as a teenager …›

Transom→ All Hear, March 2024

2024-03-07 Hello! Welcome (back) to All Hear, the Everything List for Audio Opportunities. It’s International Women’s Day tomorrow and this month there’s some suitably great opportunities for women in audio. Within events there’s the International Women …›

Transom→ Small, Random, and Meaningful

2024-02-27 A journalist friend of mine once joked, “This is how journalists count: One. Two. Trend.” Just in case it doesn’t make sense, I’ll explain. Reporters often seek to report stories on trends. If a bunch of houses go up for sale in a neighborhood, …›

Transom→ All Hear, February 2024

2024-02-15 Hello! Welcome (back) to All Hear, the Everything List for Audio Opportunities. This is my first All Hear as a freelancer… I haven’t been fully freelance since I left university (when it was just a thinly veiled disguise for “unemployed …›

Transom→ For the Love of Radio, Get Out of the Studio

2024-02-13 I remember talking to Matej Praprotnik, the Assistant Director of Radio at Radio Slovenia, and practically demanding that he “Get Maja out of the studio!” In another meeting, this time with Mirko Stular, the Director of Radio, I made the same state …›