Category Archives: Climate

An aggregation of recent climate news feeds:

Climate News -- ScienceDaily→ Rainy days harm the economy

2022-01-12 Economic growth goes down when the number of wet days and days with extreme rainfall go up, a team of scientists finds. The data analysis of more than 1,500 regions over the past 40 years shows a clear connection and suggests that intensified daily rai …›

Climate News -- ScienceDaily→ Hidden order in windswept sand

2022-01-11 Researchers have analyzed an extensive collection of sand samples from so-called megaripple fields around the world and gained new insights into the composition of these sand waves. These could help settle debates about the mechanistic origin of some r …›

MIT Climate Portal→ Two Basins in 2050

2022-01-06 Two Basins in 2050 MIT Environmen… Thu, 01/06/2022 - 14:13 MIT Environmental Solutions InitiativeTopicsAdaptationAtmosphereClimate ModelingFood, Water & AgricultureWeather & Natural DisastersDroughtHeatwavesWildfiresPostJanuary 6, 2022Two Basins in 2 …›